Nana butter meaning and definition

Nana butter meaning

When using a banana as a profilactic and the creamy substance that is created from the banana mush enters the vagina.

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Nanachan meaning

The ultimate female hipster. She's such a hipster that she doesn't even need to sport the clothes in order to prove it. Also, a super cool Japanese girl.

Nanacore meaning

Portmanteau of Hardcore (intense, extreme) and Nana (affectionate name for grandmother, either one's own or a woman who is likely to be somebody else's. See Oma).Adherents, despite being in the prime of life, exhibit values, affectations or behaviours stereotyped as only being performed by the elderly.Examples of this may include excessive tea drinking, knitting, utilisation of a lap blanket, wearing suspenders or thick glasses instead of modern alternatives, or an interest/hobby that is out of fashion.Often these affectations are more environmentally friendly or healthy than the perceived norm, such as baking one's own pies from home-canned fruit or crocheting a scarf for winter instead of turning up the heater. The usually require more effort than modern alternatives, hence the hardcore (extreme) reference.The etymology of this term is female.

nana cougar meaning

The older woman friend who hangs out with actual cougars, often to make them look younger by comparison.

Nanacreamndubuh meaning

The term used by males typically in prison or jail expressing the desire to anally molest another male. Although in the form of a question, it is generally used as a demand. Derived from: Banana Cream in the Butt.

Na-Na Deeps meaning

What your friends do when you're drunk. Sexually.

NanaDrama meaning

synthetic angst created and distributed by bored grandmothers (aka Nana) who need to see their children and/or grandchildren at odds, competing, arguing, etc. The drama is constructed to provide temporary distraction for Nana, and ultimately to allow her to resolve any resulting conflicts with a flourish of self-esteem building 'peace-making' gestures.

Nanafied meaning

When Nana has already butt raped/done sexual things to you.

nana food meaning

My grandmothers own recipes

Nana Fufu meaning

A woman that is a slave to her man, either by force or by submission.

nanager meaning

Noun. A childcare professional who combines her service with effective home-management support.