meaning and definitionn008
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meanings of n008
A novice or inept operator, player, etc.. One who hurts their own team. (Also see n00b)
someone who has little to no experience in video games like Halo or Runescape. They generally are stupid and act childish and basically should be killed.
The derogatory word used to label someone who is new to a particular game/forum/server/where-ever. Many people misuse the word, insulting new members by calling them 'n00b's. The word 'newb' is sometimes confused with this term - 'newb' standing for 'new beginner'. Whereas a n00b means one of two common terms. 1) A new member who is acting stupidly. 2) A member who is acting stupidly, regardless of level and/or experience.
Verb. To bamboozle someone who believes they hold a superior postion to the bamboozler.
n00b13 = n00bie = noobie = newbie part of the l33t sp34k
n00b = just n00b ;) b00n 14t0r = Terminator ;) n00b14t0r = uber n00b
1) people who is are new at something and quite clearly suck at it. A word which is thrown around, people who suck that have been doing it a long time still being called noobs is false, they just suck.
something that is totally n00by
That which is amazingly like something a n00b would do.
n00bahol or n00baholic refers to the upmost addiction and desperation to be a n00b. People that cling to their n00bish lifestyles and gaming methods. They will usually digest several n00b hacks or cheats everyday to ensure their n00biness continues for ever.
Someone who is obsessed with responding to n00bs.
Someone who is a noob.