N00b Pwners
meaning and definitionN00b Pwners
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meanings of N00b Pwners
A N00b Pwner is a person who is good at pwn'ing n00bs (unskilled person in video games) and other players.He/She is generally skilled in games, so they can pwn other people. (esp. in Online Games)
a variation of wig often used to pwn n00bs stripey sexy
One who aspires to escapes n00bishness, but in his attempts fails miserably, sinking even deeper ino the very thing he tries to escape.
1. A Counter Strike Source Server Ran by the head admin, Mr.Stunt¹º¹ who blatently ran this project straight into the ground, without advising any of the players before hand.
A cowardly person who sees n00bs as weak and feeble people that will be easy to pwn. N00b s33kers usually strike their prey as if they were a wild possum mawling an innocent victim out of rage. A synonym for this word may be pedophile. Pedophiles are known to seek out innocent children and perform unwanted sexual acts on the victim.
Noun: A hardcore under-rated word referring to a new person that sucks harder than the n00biest n00b.
n00b saibots are n00bs that think they are part of the n00bicide movement. Sources of delicious Ironing because they themselves are being n00bocided.
Someone who is a nuisance due to being inexperienced at something
//often unintelligent //sporadic //acts completely upon impulse //always left handed //can be seen carrying devices that are meant to be stationary as if they are mobile. //approx 5'7" //gingerly brown hair //approx 150lbs //squinty eyes //always a sandwich artist //speaks in code \\"i just beasted"\\ ((smurfish?)) //typically artistic - could be linked with autism //chases fireflies crossing the street \\"cross the street!!"\\ //lives on xboxlive //loathed by miniature pinschers
This a type of quickscope, commonly used in call of Duty, where the person is aiming down their sights, and right before they shoot, they zoom out, and quickscope. It is legal to do in any quickscope match. Some people may claim it illegal, but it's not.
what people call other people on live or psn when they don't want to prestige on mw2