n00bed meaning and definition

n00bed meaning

To be defeated or bested or to fail, usually in a first-person shooter video game (though it can apply to other situations as well), by a 'n00b' tactic. Also to be bested by a n00b for any reason in any situation.

n00bed meaning

Being Killed by a n00b or noob while playing a game.

n00bed meaning

Being shot from behind after running past a camper without seeing him in an FPS game, typically Counter-Strike.

n00bed meaning

When you are killed spectacularly on Halo 2 when your opponent uses the combonation of the hated Plasma Pistol and Battle Rifle. Hated amongst all respectable Halo 2 Online players.

n00bed meaning

Being shot with a m203 'noob cannon' in soldier of fortune 2.

Read also:

n00beh meaning


n00ber meaning

Noun; One who supports or acts similar to a n00b and/or acts under the principles of n00bism

n00berey meaning

the act of being a n00b and/or acting like a n00b.

n00berific meaning

verb: To be a n00b in an "ific" manner.Used to imply stupidity or worthlessness.

N00ber Pwnage meaning

A wordplay on the term "uber pwnage," pronounced New-burr-Pone-edge, n00ber pwnage has two definitions. 1. beginners luck; when a n00b is doing well in a video game (must be against other people; ie. XBox Live, a PC game, etc) 2. the art of targeting n00bs and n00bs alone.

n00bert meaning

1) A n00b whose name happens to be Bert. 2) Someone whose n00bism reaches such an extent that the mere word "n00b" is too weak to apply to him; thus he is termed a n00bert.

n00berty meaning

Like puberty, a stage everyone has to go through before they become mature gamers. But without the hair growth.

n00besque meaning

An adjective used to describe the n00blee-ness of a certain person(s), place(s), thing(s) or action(s).

n00bet meaning

Originating from the typical gamer insult "n00b", n00bet is doubly insulting because the speaker is not only calling the receiver a n00b, but he is also calling him a GIRL n00b.

n00bf4g meaning

an especially dumb person who has no clue whats going on.