meaning and definitionn00bz
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meanings of n00bz
plural synonym of newbie but with a l33+ h4x0r emphasis for comic effect.
1. someone who is such an umbelievable fu<king scumbag that they would cheat a noob out of their ranking, items, etc. 2. someone who is new to the art of cheeting/hacking but is very good at it
one that is inexperienced.
A word commonly used to describe n00bz, noobs, nublets, n00belz, and newbies alike. see: noob
teh biggest n00b there is
The monsters of a 'horror' video created by Shelby Simpson(Radical) and Kendra Powell(KenDino) of Gaiaonline.com. A n00b zombie is basically a mindless n00b that eats gaian flesh.
1. A place, website, forum, chatroom where n00bs gather, or too many n00bs visit to think they're 1337. 2. A group or crew of n00bs who call themselves uber and ask annoying newbie questions.
To replace a n00b tube with a bazooka and shoot it across the map at the beginning of a match on a videogame. (Founded by the TCG clan.)
When a bunch of players shoot a rocket across the map at enemy players at the start of a match on a videogame. (Founded by the TCG clan.)
Originating from the work 'n00b'. A n00bzor is a shorter term for n00basaurus. A n00b that has dinosaur like caractaristics. Basicaly meaning a really big n00b.
A new player in an MMO who doesnt wear armor.