n0glet meaning and definition

n0glet meaning

Does not have a complete deffinition. Pretty much just another word like noob, but much, much better!

Read also:

n0ko meaning

doing something illegal. to smoke something.

n0l1fe meaning

A person whose day includes sleeping in until 3 PM, immediately pours themselves a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, checks their WaW, plays their WaW, and then goes to sleep to repeat the process again.

n0lram meaning

rapes at tfc.

n0ngie meaning

a word for very large penis

n0ob meaning

a person who plays a game for a long time but never gets any better see newb

n0oBuLaR meaning

Teh pwner dat r0x0rz ur s0x0rz! Uses fowl language and profanity when mad.

n0p meaning

a complete n00b

n0rfs meaning

it is something said in a suprising case of pain or pleasure

n0rks meaning

Breasts, boobs, tits etc

n0rp meaning

pornography; a variation on the spelling of pr0n .