n0valyfe meaning and definition

n0valyfe meaning

Not much known, but he/she was right behind Zezima for a while, then was #1 for a couple days, but ATM, is ranked 36. He/she maxed out cooking and fletching, and is ranked 2 in both.

n0valyfe meaning

N0valyfe is the username of the best player to ever playRunescape. Often compared with Zezima the current #1 on the high scores (December 13th 2007), N0valyfe started playing 2 years after Zezima, and still passed him in total experiance and levels, afterwhich retired from the game. To this day he still has the 4th highest experiance total of over 730million. Many rumors are about that say he is a 40 year old man or even a woman, but in reality he is a Male Named Jordan and is not nearly that old.

n0valyfe meaning

Zezima's successor.

n0valyfe meaning

N0valyfe is number 2 in the runescape high scores along with zezima. Not much is known about him/her. when the new construction skill came out he/she beat zezima to lvl 99. yet when zezima got there he/she was back in first. I do not know how this happened or why JagEx put zezima back at the top.

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n0w0 meaning

Abbreviation for n0w0rries ( no - wor - ries). n0w0rries means what it means, NO WORRIES. Just go and DO IT. An alternative, underused way to say YOLO.

n0y meaning

A slang term, in reference to a cigarette.

n1 meaning

Nice 1 (one) mostly refering to a ---- Nice Shot ----

N10 meaning

It's the short term for NHL 10.

N13 meaning

A short way of writing Piece of Shit. Also commonly known in Australia as a Nissan powered by a GM Family II motor. Quite common to replace the GM 4 pot to a Nissan CA18DET which apparently increases the appeal of the car.

N14 meaning

N14 XIV North Side Norte

N15 meaning

A vehicle designation bestowed only apon creations of exceptional qualities when used with a human name denotes low self esteem because they are trying to leech of the vehicles reputation

N15 M3h7A gene meaning

A complex gene found on chromosome 17, known for a strong correlation to extreme homosexuality to the point of bumming livestock for gratification.A strong connection exists between the N15 M3h7A gene and the 8R4D and 5YR0n genes.

N-16 meaning

1337 speak for Nig.

n1663r meaning

An alternative form of the word "nigger". This is used by people you type words with numbers.