meaning and definitionN4L
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meanings of N4L
NFL meaning nigga for life.. used mainly amongst black teens jokingly. like BFF
N4L is shorthand for the phrase "Nerd (or Nerds) For Life". It is used among nerds as a confident self-reference or as a response to an insult to one's nerdiness.
thats the definition for someone who eats an icecream while he is playing counter strike wars
Nudes for Nudes, used as "will do nudes for nudes" (ie Pictures)
abbreviation for Not For Pay
A revision for the word "Noob" but in a more slang "1337 sp33k" sort of way. Typically just a person who sucks at/ ruins games in general.Noob->Nub->N4rb
N4s is a way to say nfs but using a 4 to be cool like that. N4s stands for Not for sale.
An overweight loser who has no friends and is like 50 years old and still live with his mum.. His tits bounce on the floor more then a basketball.. He also whines over computer games, when he is losing.. Also Thinks hes a police officer, But everyone knows hes just a bitch ass security guard at walmart..
North London post code and home of the worlds greatest football club, The Arsenal.
Nintendo 64. Nintendo's 64-bit games console, the successor to the SNES.
(Noun) The pain you get in your thumb after using the analog stick on the N64 controller for too long.
A totally maniac crazy kid in a video on the internet, that screams so F-kn loud because he got an N64 for christmas.