meaning and definitionn4s
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meanings of n4s
N4s is a way to say nfs but using a 4 to be cool like that. N4s stands for Not for sale.
An overweight loser who has no friends and is like 50 years old and still live with his mum.. His tits bounce on the floor more then a basketball.. He also whines over computer games, when he is losing.. Also Thinks hes a police officer, But everyone knows hes just a bitch ass security guard at walmart..
North London post code and home of the worlds greatest football club, The Arsenal.
Nintendo 64. Nintendo's 64-bit games console, the successor to the SNES.
(Noun) The pain you get in your thumb after using the analog stick on the N64 controller for too long.
A totally maniac crazy kid in a video on the internet, that screams so F-kn loud because he got an N64 for christmas.
Occurs when playing Nintendo 64. Specifically during a game where you are required to move the joystick clockwise or counterclockwise very quickly and use your palm instead of one dinky finger. This results sometimes in the formation of calluses, and definitely uncomfortable pain for the next few days. Most common cause: Mario Party mini-games (cast aways, tug o' war, deep sea divers...ect)
The best game ever on a sega master system. The player has to play tennis against a fish who says "ok average size good job"
To n73 is to have a momentary brain malfunction whilst high. Letting ones brain wonder away from the situation and the speaking aloud the thought train. Term comes from when a Nokia n73 locks up for a moment and shows nothing but garbage on screen until it unlocks moments later and is working just fine. For e.g. If the subject is traveling in Nathan and Carolyn's car towards Nathan and Carolyn's house then the subject says "So when are we going to meet up with Nathan and Carolyn?"
an internet abreviation that is equivelent to "goodnight." Origionating from the german 'n' and '8' (oct) which coincidently spells "nacht" and not "nate" you arrigant bastard.
Meaning total noob,it´s like the eights in the middle make up for four o´s so it´s like NOOOOB.