meaning and definitionnaab
mean? Here you find 7
meanings of naab
a big noob(new boy ,beginner)
The word "nààb" (and later on "naab") is derived from the word n00b meaning newb, newbie or beginner in internet slang. Etymology: on azerty keyboards the "à" is on the same key as the "0": shift+"à" gives "0". In the heat of a squabble people sometimes miss their shift key and end up typing nààb instead of n00b. Of course these people are so l33t that there typos become new words.
Someone who is new to a game or software etc. Often used bij CS (=counterstrike)players
A variant of noob, used in CS (counterstrike), an abbreviation of newbie, i.e. a beginning, inexperienced player. Easily defeated, makes errors of protocol as well.
"Naab" means "hello" in the native language of the organisms living on the surface of the planet X55446. Many use the shortened term "Naababababaaaaaaaaaaaab" which translates to "Hi"
exclamation heard when microphones make weird noises.
Naab- a person, who is fun, silly at times, loves to chill and do crazy things.. is kinda like a dardevil.. everyone knows this person. this person is cute , skinny, likes to show off ... loves there cell, loves their computer , and much much more. Loves Music! and likes to hook up ( haha) jk. (JK- just kidding)... This person can be sweet and this person can also be the biggest bitch on the street. haha well this is about Naab and I must say i love this person to death!
The nickname for a black female with whom you are extremely close and/or affectionate with and with whom you confide in.
Bleached blonde hair freak who makes up his own slang.
National Association Against Cock Blockers. The NAACB fights all those that get in the way of late night hookups (or any other for that matter).
For most niggers (and there is a difference in black people and niggers, to me), racism only goes one way. You see the hard working black families that have established a name for themselves and can spell and speak proper English, not ebonics, that deserve every good thing they have. Then you have the niggers that would rather steal then work and say that racism only goes one way, but when they do it to a white person, it is black supremacy. Whatever. When you get a job and can pronounce biRTHday, not burfday, come talk to me!!!
An awards ceremony for black people that they are allowed to have, but white people would be racist for having a white awards ceremony
Commonly evolved slang for "Know what I mean?"Pronounced: Na-a-da-meen (as fast as you can slur it together)In today's busy world, who has time to pronounce the spaces between words? Especially rappers, who are busing making millions singing about making millions, time is money! So they invented phrases like naadameen and zamzang to put emphasis on their general message: you must believe what they say and idolize it, listen to the repetative hooks that tell you how much better their lives are than yours, then talk amongst your friends and/or people on the internet about how cool they are or what they're wearing or generally stuff about their lives that has nothing to do with you, like people have done for the popular people in Hollywood for so long.
A move in the sport lacrosee where a player trying to pick up the ball completely misses the ball. He/she misses the ball by lining up improperly or does not scoop through. It is normally a bad thing when one pulls a Naader.
Naadia means a hopeful, beautiful, polite. determined and humorous female. She was raised in the hood, but never let that get in the way of her going big places because... Naadia is a diva and a hustler.
Naadir is an amazing, or UH-MAY-ZING, genius, or geniass. He falls alseep in random places, even while he's on the phone.