meaning and definitionnaawp
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meanings of naawp
National Assn. for the Advancement of White People.
national association for the advancement of white people
National Association for the Assasination of Wigger Perckerheads
Clearly a group of wankers.
National association for the advancement of white people, or in other words, what the entire friggin' united states has been for the past 400 years. Coined by idiots who don't realize that white people are still disproportionately wealthier in our society because of institutionalized racism that exists to this day.
A really beautiful affectionate girl thats also a bad ass "naay" usually has a smart mouth but a big heart she is sweet but can be bitter sometimes she also has the courage to boost herself up because she has low self esteem
A name deriving from the Persian origin, usually used for females. Often mistaken for the hip hop artist "Nas." Women who have this name often like long walks on the beach. They are very knowledgeable, and like intellectual conversations.
The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet
Never listens to anyone does her/him own thing very jolly and happy also a very happy person if she only trusted her friends but only has one specific secret sister this name also means hard and moody person naazneen listen
getting arrested by the police
Nabba is a funny, lovable considerate person who always knows how to make an entrance. She is an awesome friend and can easily make people laugh.She is also a Harry Potter freak and she is the bestest friend anyone could hope for.
"Na Baba" means "No Way" in Persian/Farsi.Also it's a cool way to say No Way and use by non Persian speakers as well. (:
Nasty Ass Bitch Ass Cunt can be used with positive or negative connotation; similar to the term "bitch" in this sense.
Endemic to a particular relgion or area. Specialization of a species or genus so that it can only be found in a specific area.
Nabal is a girls name. And this is the only way to spell it. She is a really nice girl that has nice but annoying friends and she loves everyone who's nice to her but whoever is a jackass or a fucker infront of her, she automatically hates them. She defends her friends through everything and she is a very loyal and truthful person. Her friends call her mean sometimes and that can be true but only a little.