Nabsy meaning and definition

Nabsy meaning

Slang used to describe a girl who looks and talks similarly to Tricia Takanawa from "Family Guy" (as the surname is to difficult to pronouce)

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NABT meaning

Natural Asses Been acronym typically used amongst peer groups to signify the awesome nature of the naturally occurring big booty....being tapped. Usually said the morning after a hook-up.

nab that meaning

(v.) to snag, as in to retrieve something; often used with sneaky connotation

Nab that biscuit meaning

Similar to "shake that bear," it means to engage in some sort of sexual activity that is up to the listener's and speaker's interpretation.To say you "nabbed that biscuit" implies that you got what you were looking for, e.g. pussy.It can also be used as a powerful statement of encouragement equivalent to "man up" or "get it, get it."

Nabu meaning

The Most Beautiful Girl in the WOLRd...she brightens my day...she is awesome...awesome..and she is an amazing person...I fucking love her, she is...amazing...she is simply breathtaking

NaBub meaning

NaBub is a combination of the phrases "night night" and "bye bye" which someone might say when you are being dismissed from a conversation whether you like it or not.

nabujuu meaning

Lit ass person or chill always sticks around for his people

Nabulu meaning

One who grows

Nabunaging meaning

Nabunaging: To passionately kiss one person whilst on a Rollar Coaster,or any other fast paced amusement attraction.

NABWSE meaning

No Athletic Background What So Ever

Naby meaning

something extremely sexual and has a strong aura of sexuality