nammy nammy meaning and definition

nammy nammy meaning

nam-e, name-e. something that one often does.

Read also:

nam-myoho-renge-kyo meaning

1.The sublime supreme LAW of the Universe. The vibration of everything and anything in the Universe: ENERGY. 2.Mantra created by Nichiren who revealed to the world the Dai Gohonzon, when chanted, one immediately taps into Buddhahood, an enlightened state of mind, body, and spirit. Also, time without end... 3.The Title of the Lotus Sutra. 4.Nam=Devotion (to the) MyoHo=Mystic Law (of the) Renge=Lotus Flower Kyo=Sutra

ñam ñam meaning

The way people in Spanish-speaking countries utter "yum yum!"

nam nam nam meaning

Onomatopoeia (describing the sound) for eating, nibbling, feasting on etc. particularly delicious food or anything else 'edible' that comes to mind.

Namnanit meaning

A polite way of damning something in a situation where the use of cursing is frowned upon.

Namnas meaning

Can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, someones name...

Nam Nguyen meaning

The coolest asian alive. He is a justin beiber of the asian world( meaning he gets them bitchs)

nam nother meaning

no more; not another;

NaMo meaning

Nemo's long lost fish brother who was was killed by a barracuda before birth.

Namoa meaning

A man that has a huge penis from the Polynesian Islands. One that is dedicated to his five wives, and lives simlar to a king.

Na Mode meaning

This is a word created in norfolk. It is the state of na. Similiar to a blood lust. Na mode can be a burst of na ness or a way of life.