nanaimo bars meaning and definition

nanaimo bars meaning

one of the best tasting desserts in existance. Usually consisting of chocolate,custard cream and graham crumbs in a sandwhich form

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Nanaitsi meaning

Word is used to indicate that there is nothing happening, it is over, forget about it, you were wrong, will not happen.

nanaittiwa meaning

nanaittiwa is a name of a beautiful usually dark skinned girl, she is absolutely amazing. she is a great kisser and when she loves don't take her for granted. she can be shy but has a loud personality, Nanaittiwa's can be self conscious and take things to the heart seriously, they are often gullible and fall for a lot of people. Nanaittiwa's usually have a private side, even if you think your best friends she might have something she wants to keep to herself.nanaittiwa means queen Ittiwa, she is the prettiest, loyal, trustworthy, deep lover that you can find. once you get to know her you'll wonder why it took so long

nanak meaning

A shortend word of kanak and nina.

Nanaki meaning

Pwns the Tubbins on a regular basis, and sometimes the Britton.

Nana Kitade meaning

Nana Kitade, 北出ナナ, born May 2, 1987 in Sapporo, Japan,Is a Japanese rock and pop singer-songwriter, musician. She is particularly famous for dressing and designing Gothic Lolita fashion.

Nanako meaning

Nanako! She's an amazing, busty, pretty, kawaii nurse that's sometimes a bit ditzy! But that's okay - I still love her!! ^_^_^_^_^_^_^

nanakuli meaning

A small part of the westside of the island of oahu that will fuck you up if youre not careful.

Nanal meaning

When someone has a large nose, nanal is the act of shoving that large nose up an asshole during intercourse.

nanalan meaning

A really fucking creepy green beety-eyed puppet kid from a Canadian kids TV show. She teaches Canadian children of the world all the wrong spellings of every vegetable out there including sumado (tomato), shoosh (mushroom), cuushie (lettuce/cabbage), and her most prized vegetable...PEEPO (pea pod). She also has a dog referred to as Rustle, pronounced "WRRSR".

Nanalew meaning

A Youtube channel, created by the talented, and creative, Canadian named Shawna Howson, thats videos consist of vlogs and entertaining skits. Shawna won the "Who Inspires U" contest, choosing the Youtube community as her inspiration, and won a prize of $10,000. She will be publishing a book in late 2009 entitled "Insomniatic Dreams". Shawna also is one of four members of Vlogvetica, a Youtube collaboration between Shawna, Dan Brown (pogobat), Mitchell Davis (livelavalive), Catherine Valdes (catrific), and Tessa Violet (meekakitty).Her... Twitter: also likes Snickers bars...