Oak meaning and definition

Oak meaning

Person, male or female. Common South African slang.

Oak meaning

The same thing as Wood-Grain. It is the wood grip that adorns the steering wheels of many expensive cars.

Oak meaning

an alternate name for the every-man-for-himself basketball game called 21. This name is used interchangably with "21" in parts of New York and New Jersey.

Oak meaning

A random guy in a lab coat who captures animals and gives them to people he barely knows for free while teaching them the means used to capture more.

Oak meaning

stupid, fail, opposite of swag. started on facebook by a kid named sean. there is no remembrance of why or how, but it is used frequently as an insult among the teenagers in a town in south jersey, where it originated.

Oak meaning

Origin- the Oakland A's (a Decent, mediocre, or Okay Baseball team)If something is okay, or a girl is okay looking, she would be Oakland A's or in short, Oaks.You can stress how Oaks a person is by adding Ser (short for serious).

Oak meaning

Australians have long enjoyed the deliciously creamy taste of OAK flavoured milk because OAK is like a traditional and authentic milkshake - the way a flavoured milk should be!

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OAKAGE meaning

for anybody in Oak House at Brunts School, Mansfield, England. Because to Oak House members Oak is cool, i decided to invent this word: OAKAGE it means that whatever it is that your talking about is cool.! :P

oakanahno meaning

Typically for Oak trees, used in the early Greek language. Used to summon tree gods.

oakard meaning

to be or get fucked up

Oakasm meaning

The amazing sensation you experience when putting your poison oak rash under hot water.

Oak Bay meaning

A municipality near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, which is mainly populated by wealthy pensioneers who probably still think that Canadian flag is the Red Ensign, and would probably wear orange on Saint Patrick's Day.

oakbitch meaning

1. A tall, unattractive female. From the derivitive 'oak', as in 'oak tree' and slang 'bitch', for an ill-mannered female.

oak bluffs meaning

Oak Bluffs is the summer hotspot in Martha's Vineyard. Houses are all well over 2 million dollars ecspecially on the water. If you are going to live in Oak Bluffs for the summer, buy a house on Ocean Park. Most kids come from Connecticut, New York or the Boston area to spend their summers, working at an icecream parlor or just to chill at the beach. The summer kids drive their summer cars, which are early model Range Rovers, Jeep Wranglers or Land Rovers. Oak Bluffs is the most relaxed town on the island and best for kids, while Edgartown is more of a place for adults and Vineyard Haven is full of year-round people. Martha's Vineyard in general is the perfect place to live in the summer, just not year round. Martha's Vineyard has nothing to do with Nantucket except for the fact that it's a summer island and MV is not built up like Nantucket; therefore a lot nicer and more expensive.

Oakbro meaning

n- fool, one who is incessanlty owned. v- To become owned. To fail. To become defaced.

Oak Brook meaning

A swanky suburb of Chicago with a mall and no gas stations.

oak c meaning

A basis of understanment of "ace of the world" perfection claus