Oaktober meaning and definition

Oaktober meaning

This month, we celebrate the completely justified arrogance, the smugness, the awesomeness, the glory, and the smellyalateritude that is Gary "Motherfucking" Oak.In this event you change your last name to Oak if you want to. Also you have to spread the word about this event or else you are Ash (and no one wants to be him I.E. a loser).

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oakton meaning

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Oakton Dance Team meaning

oakton dance team - our skools amazing dance team, who go to nationals every year. first definition is written by a mother fucking retard who is one of the rejects who sit in the hallway near olsons room playing their gay ass guitars and wear fishnets and dont know that theyre ugly. Go to hell dawg ure a homo.

oakton goggles meaning

Refers to a false and warped perception of work colleagues due to a scarcity of good looking people in the office. Symptoms of Oakton Goggles include viewing an unattractive colleague at work as quite good looking. An average looking person would appear outrageously good looking if you have Oakton Goggles on.

oakton high school meaning

a school located in Fairfax county, Virginia, with shitload of snotty white kids who know no shit about sneakers. A good place to sell shitty ass Jordan's.

Oakton Woods meaning

Oakton Woods is THE sweetest neighborhood in all of Northern VA. The guys of this neighborhood naturally get into the best colleges in the country and enjoying drinking natty light and smoking parliament lights.

oaktown meaning

(oakland)the place with black and white and latin people that like the raiders

oaktown 357 meaning

redbull and vodka.

Oak Tree meaning

Oak tree means some one who always puts others first and who will do whatever is necessary to make others happy

Oak Tree Road meaning

A road in Iselin and Edison, NJ, known for its large number of Indian residents and stores. Just by looking at the license plates, it's evident that people dive for hours to shop there. Off of Oak Tree Road in Edison are the Hilltop Apartments. Most of the stores are in Iselin, but they've been spreading East into Edison, little by little.

Oak Trees For Life meaning

A statement made by a person who will die to protect the destruction of any single oak tree.