oak island meaning and definition

oak island meaning

A badass place to live!!!!! That's it

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Oak Island, NC meaning

Oak Island is filled with methadone, marijuana, underage drinkers, smokers, drug dealers, old people, no where to get fast food, bible thumpers, two entrances & exits, one shitty grocery store, and nothing to do for 3/4 of the year. The only good time to be on Oak Island as an adolescent is when the tourists come to the beach, which is a moot point if you're trying to get into an actual relationship.

Oak Knoll meaning

A hot girl from Oak Knoll School in Summit, New Jersey. Can be identified by super short skirt. Boyfriend usually goes to Seton Hall Prep or Delbarton. Too good for Oratory boys, no matter how hard they try. Oak Knoll girls usually live in rich towns or semi rich towns like Short Hills, Morristown, Summit, e.t.c.

Oak Knoll Elementary School meaning

A rich, top notch, white majority school in Menlo Park, CA. What most people don't know is that there is a huge problem with fighting there. During my brief stay, I witnessed heads being smashed open with bricks, glasses smashed in fistfights, kids bending eachother's arms backwards around tree trunks. Horrible stuff, and the teachers do nothing to stop it.

Oakland meaning

1) Principal city of the East Bay Area. 2) The repository for San Francisco's social problems. Oakland exists to make San Francisco look pretty. 3) City that's free to get into when you cross the Bay Bridge, but you have to pay to leave it, to get into San Francisco. 4) City with a bad reputation but which is gentrifying due to shockingly high prices in The City. 5) Next to Portland, Oregon, the Lesbian capital of the Western US

oakland-american meaning

Oakland-American is a term to describe the ghetto/hood-rat/shady crowd from the East Bay (San Francisco).See New York's Bridge and Tunnel crowd.

oakland athletics meaning

Oakland, California's baseball team. The players are actually not that Athletic, because their outfielders have a tendency to fall down a foot from the ball. Or they're just laying down. We don't know. They are a decent team, although they aren't that well known.

Oakland blackout meaning

Becoming light headed and sweaty, followed by a sudden blackout due to too many skoafers.

oakland blowjob meaning

a sexual act in which a man uses shortning or baking grease to masturbate or as lubracant during sexual intercourse, followed but putting his penis in an oven, "frying" his penis, and then recieves oral sex. Named after the city of Oakland due to the masses of the african american poeples notorious for eating fried goods, most notabley fried chicken

oakland booty meaning

a booty that is large, round, AKA bootylicious

Oakland Breakfast meaning

The act of eating out a pussy while simultaneously sucking a dick.