meaning and definitionoakland-american
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meanings of oakland-american
Oakland-American is a term to describe the ghetto/hood-rat/shady crowd from the East Bay (San Francisco).See New York's Bridge and Tunnel crowd.
Oakland, California's baseball team. The players are actually not that Athletic, because their outfielders have a tendency to fall down a foot from the ball. Or they're just laying down. We don't know. They are a decent team, although they aren't that well known.
Becoming light headed and sweaty, followed by a sudden blackout due to too many skoafers.
a sexual act in which a man uses shortning or baking grease to masturbate or as lubracant during sexual intercourse, followed but putting his penis in an oven, "frying" his penis, and then recieves oral sex. Named after the city of Oakland due to the masses of the african american poeples notorious for eating fried goods, most notabley fried chicken
a booty that is large, round, AKA bootylicious
The act of eating out a pussy while simultaneously sucking a dick.
Much like the cleveleand steamer, it is a scatalogical sexual act, however it utilizes the face and/or mouth, and a more soupy/malt like stool.
black cops that patrol streets of oakland california
A horrible, horrible school in pittsburgh full of cliquey, slutty, bitches; horrible teachers who shove their beliefs down your throat; and a totalitarian administration. Do not send your daughters there unless you want to ruin their lives, as it has ruined mine.
Oakland County: Located in southeast michigan, where drugs, sex, and alcohol are a vital part of reality. Where kids learn superficiality in both the amazing public schools and the overpriced private acadamies, where you can charge a slice of pizza on plastic, spend your weekends at Somerset and on Old Woodward, where there are more country clubs than supermarkets and more hookah bars than gas stations. The houses wrap around entire streets, porche driving soccer moms pop their collars, and nobody even cares about the west coast (although the summer homes are nice). It's where the only thing we have more of than money is drama, where kids are all about drugs because they don't know what else to buy, and where finding a virgin in the high schools is like finding a needle in a haystack, where we drink faygo pop, drive GM, Ford, and Chrysler cars, eat Better Made potato Chips, and go to Windsor on the weekends, just because we can.
fisting someone's asshole