OAP meaning and definition

OAP meaning

Accepted United Kingdom shortened form of Old Age Pensioner (OAP) and used on official documents in this form. This national agreed defination is also valid in Wales and with a degree of miss-pronunication valid in Scotland

OAP meaning

Old Age Pensioner, Someone regularly seen using a 'zimmer frame' and carrying a colostomy bag. Possibly has an problem with an overactive thyroid gland.

OAP meaning

Open Air Pub. Taking place on the lower field at McGill University at the beginning of each semester.

OAP meaning

Someone who is old and putrid. Generally the old hag living opposite.

OAP meaning

an abbreviation for Obsessed And Proud can be pronounced as ope.

OAP meaning

1. An acronym for One Act Play. 2. A UIL competition in which a play with only one act is performed.

OAP meaning

Over Affectionate Parents. You walk into the room, and your beloved parents are going at it asif they're 40 year old amateur soft-porn stars. It's enough to make any innocent teenager feel physically sick.

Read also:

oapaedophile meaning

Someone who is attracted to old aged pensioners.

OAPD meaning

an acronym for Obsessive Anal Penetration Disorder. it is when a person cannot stop stick things in their asshole.

OAP-dophile meaning

A younger woman that is attracted to much older (and normally incredibly rich) men. Also know as a 'biddy fiddler'. Prime examples include Anna Nicole Smith and Catherine Zeta Jones.

OAPedo meaning

Someone who pedos on Old Age Pensioners.

OAPeedo meaning

the opposite of a paedophile, a young person (nominaly in mid teens) who spends their social time with old people and/or doing old peoples pass-times e.g lawn bowls

OAPenis meaning

Old aged penis - the female equivalent of a granny grabber. A woman who likes older men of grandfather age, 60 plus at least.

oapilf meaning

old age penisioner i'ed like to fuck.

OAPJ meaning

Acronym for "Over-Active-Page-Joiner."This refers to the people on Facebook that join Pages way too often anda.) Clog up your newsfeed. b.) Clog up their profile. c.) Most of the time, needs to get get a life.

oarb meaning

the opposite of narb,it means "obviously apparent reason boner"

o ard meaning

An acronym form of "oh alright". It's used in place of "OK" while in a conversation.It is usually used by people speaking leet/use "teh" instead of "the".It's origin came from Nity/Come Get Me Bro.