OASN meaning and definition

OASN meaning

means "On A Serious Note" often used in forum threads when someone says something off topic first and then types "OASN:" with something more related to the topic followingcan also be used as OMSN(On A More Serious Note), or OSN

OASN meaning

On a Sober Note. Something you say to a good friend to indicate that you are really, really serious about the topic at hand and your word should be taken as if you were sober even though you are drunk as shit and have been talking out of your ass for the better part of the evening.

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oass meaning

An oass is an oriental ass.Oass originated in a conversation when a person mispelled pass, and typed 'oass'. Seeing that the other person was Oriental, this person gave the word oass a definition.

Oaster Queef meaning

when a man slides an oaster into a womans vaginal regions, and she queefs, sqquirting the oaster on his face.

oasys meaning

The sexiest looking, most wicked, most capable,most debated, outrageously expensive music synthesizer in the world, at the time of this writing. It is made by renowned instrument company Korg. Incorporates a Pentium 4 motherboard running Linux, a color touch screen and its also a hard disk recorder, sampler and a mixing console among other things. Its price, rather than its capabilities, have been the subject of many hot debates among musicians on the net, giving it a publicity that already made the OASYS a cult instrument.

Oat and aboat meaning

Canadian for "out and about."

oatat meaning

An a acronym for "once a thot always a thot" meaning a girl will always be a hoe (whore) once she begins hoe activity

oatbag meaning

Scoring six (6) breaks in a row in a competitive ultimate frisbee disc game.

Oatbean meaning

A small bean shaped creature that very much enjoys eating oats. This bean come from outer space falls in farmers fields and with te assistance of the farmer grows untill it can de-root its self. Most Oatbeans are called George and appart from eating oats they also love hoola-hoops.

Oatbowl meaning

Verb: To make oatmeal in a bowl using urine instead of water, and then proceed to use your thumb to pack the "urine-oatmeal" into someone's anus.

oat breath meaning

When she just sucked your dick, and she still has the breath from the cum.

oatcakes meaning

Another term for "okay."