old door meaning and definition

old door meaning

Noun. Singular. A contemporary term that describes someone with advanced journalistic expertise but is out of touch with any classical aspect of literary amusement, namely crossword puzzle solving. It's most appropriately used in reference to an Editor-in-Chief of a graduate school newspaper but could be extended to describe any member of the editorial board thereof.

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old dot meaning

mother, female parent. mum.

old dragon meaning

An Australian colloquialism to describe an old person, often an old woman.

old dusty trail meaning

Dirty fucking butt-sex, often not consensual, usually resulting in much more dampness then the name implies. Also, as an adjective, it is the actual asshole-to-colon trail a big cock takes when butt-fucking someone.

Old Dutch meaning

A group sexual move originally developed by three Dutch-Canadian engineers in the 1980's, and named after a brand of potato chips popular in Canada. To preform it, a couple (the original couple was straight, but it is also performed by gay men) proceeds to have anal sex in the reverse cowgirl position, and the third participant (always a female), squirts vaginal fluid onto both of them.The man or woman receiving anal sex then would defaecate on the woman that excreted the fluid, and then all three participants slam their genitals (or breasts for women) onto each other.It remains a popular sexual past-time among Canadian engineering students.

old e meaning

Makes old things seem older or better

Olde America meaning

1. A pompous American name for the United Kingdom

old ear distributes flower meaning

derived from the cantonese saying lo5 yi5 fun1 fa1 (jyutping) which means a person is not hearing correctly, like someone old whose hearing has faded

old earth creationism meaning

Old earth creationism is a branch of creationism that holds to much of the secular dates assigned to the earth. Many hold to the day age idea that the creation days (Hebrew yom) could be eons or so of time. They reject macroevolution, particularly darwinian, and state that all creatures, including tiktallik, were either created by God or microevolved .

Olde Boye meaning

a term of endearment expressed from one refined gentleman to another, most commonly at social garden events. A man that is well suited for the daughter of a wealthy man. often dressed in tails and a waist coat and would be deemed a 'plonker' in modern society.