meaning and definitionP33N3D
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meanings of P33N3D
When someone uses the retarded smiley (xD) in an IM or any other form of internet communication, one should respond with "P33N3D." If the person who sent it types "P33N3D" before the other person(s) involved, they win at life. If another person types "P33N3D" before the user of the smiley does, the user has been PWNED and is now the other person's bitch.
a nickname for Pete Wentz, the bassist of Fall Out Boy. ever since the pictures of his p33n, or penis, got around on the internet, his name has been P33ner,rather than Peter.
A variation of peengrapple.
p33nt is the term used to describe the week 5 match against twisted on de_cbble.
Used amongst users of IRC, this is a term in the L337 language referring to the popular "Connection reset by peer" message that occasionally appears as a result of the server determining that the socket is no longer good and closing it from its side. It is used to poke fun at such users.
a salute or salutation meaning both hello and goodbye and well wishes.
to fear
n. Peter, who created bms and all forms. n. Master of bms and "whoaaa"
U.S.Army field ration can opener.
The most gangster fighter aircraft of World War 2. Made by Lockheed, it saw a vairety of use. It may have been lacking in firepower, but it's speed, firepower, and versatility make it one of the greatest planes of the war.
The p-39 was an american fighter from wwII made by bell this plane was rejected for combat duty by us and the brits so we gave it to the russians aircrews sang a song about it