PAB meaning and definition

PAB meaning

Short for "punk ass bitch" to be used in the workplace when such profanities are not allowed. Can easily be disguised as "pal" if someone asks what you said. In some cultures, it can stand for "pussy ass bitch"

PAB meaning

Pussy Ass Bitch

PAB meaning

Pussy Ass Bitch

PAB meaning

Short for Phillip Arthur Brog. He is a DECA god and loves to wear blue shirts. His cynicism could melt plate glass. Due to the sheer ignorance of the senior class at Houston High School he did not win most dramatic. Most importantly he is a Punk Ass Bitch that can pop lock AND drop it with the best of them...

PAB meaning

PAB stands for Pussy Assed Bitch. Slang, often used for a person who is a complete pussy, wimp, or complainer; 1. One who crys constantly about something unimportant and ruins the experience for others. 2. One who wimps out and proves to be unreliable and quite Vagina-like. Also may be used in the form: Pabbing

PAB meaning

a spanglish portmanteau derived from panza (mexican slang for large gut) and abs. I. e. a man with an abdomen so muscular his abs are super cut, but are distended. This is most likely a result from heavy steroid or human growth hormone abuse. Commonly seen in body builders. See Roid Belly

PAB meaning

Pab: Pack A BowlTerm used in reference to typically smoking of the marijuana on your spare time, or anytime really.

Read also:

PABA meaning

Phat Ass Bitch Assness

Pabaah meaning

Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood A conservative organization dedicate to holding the celebrities of the world responsible for their actions and words. The organization does not advocate depriving these celebrities their right to free speech, just the entertainment dollars of Americans who may not want to support their careers anymore. The organization provides two lists, the entertainers that they do not support, and the ones that they do. These lists are provided for information purposes only. The non-support list contains the reason for each entry. Interested individuals use these lists as a guide to make, what they feel, is a smart consumer choice.

PABACAB meaning

Pack a bowl and catch a buzz

pabajohaha meaning

whatever you want it to mean

pabala meaning

Pabala is a referring to a person (guy or girl) who is always broke, has no money, and can never do anything as a result; like go out for dinner, go to the movies, go on mini vacations or take party buses with friends. Derived from PAB = Poor Ass Bitch.

Pabalaba-abagapalopolus meaning

Something of immense stupidity.

pabalicious meaning

Describing someone who is partaking in actions suitable for a PAB (pussy ass bitch).

PABAN meaning

Pussy ass bitch ass nigga!

pabanaka meaning

having sex with three girls

Pabasitable meaning

Word for someone so amazing that u can't think of a word to describe them so you have to make one up.