Pack my bag with five dozen liquor jugs meaning and definition

Pack my bag with five dozen liquor jugs meaning

a sentence that utilizes all the letters of the alphabet; also known as a pangram. this particular sentence only uses 32 letters, something not so easily done. this sentence was the final answer to the challenge from the novel Ella Minnow Pea, by Mark Dunn.

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Pack my bag with six dozen liquor jugs meaning

A sentence that has every letter of the alphabet in it, like "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".

Pack my beak meaning

The act of sniffing obcene amounts of cocaine.

pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs meaning

A shorter sentence than "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" which uses every letter in the alphabet, a pangram. First mentioned in Mark Dunn's book Ella Minnow Pea. There are 32 letters, only 6 are repeated, making this the shortest coherent pangram.

Pack Myself meaning

pack to shove a foreign object into your own orafice

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When you stuff a vagina with play doh and pack it in with your dick, then try to expostulate the play doh using a vaccum.

Pack O Certs meaning

Someone who's cock is so small, you don't know whether its "in" or not..

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a sachet of cappachino coffee

Pack of blow meaning

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Pack Of Buns meaning

when the fat on the back of your head looks like a pack of hot dog buns.