meaning and definitionp00t
mean? Here you find 3
meanings of p00t
The opposite of w00t. An exclamation of dismay.
To fart and/or dung while online. An online fart or poo.
An indescriminate way of answering anything, it will also work for retorical questions.
1337 5p34k fer puter which was derived from computer many a year ago
The uber nerdy way to say "pwn."
The act of being formerly 'pwned' many times. I.E. having had your ass handed to you multiple times in the recent passed in Multiplayer FPS's
p0c0d0t is everything and nothing. it's nonexistent and everywhere. p0c0d0t controls you.
The Spanish equivalent of w00t. Poseemos el otro equipo - We own the other team.
Term that arose in Counter-Strike: Source scene. It means spraying whole clip at the enemy at close to mid range whilst not hitting him with any bullet. It implies monsterfail at aiming.
a hot ass, sexy mofo with the greatest ASS ever invented... a world without p0ke n die would be a world of nothing. he puts the X in SEXY. a p0ke n die can be anywhere, ur local pubs or ur wilderness, but watch out for his posse of Olorz and Kse Pker because they group around p0ke wherever he goes, caching in his vibrant glow.
A faggot with ginger hair and a nose you could ride a bike on, his clanning career has consisted of opening shit clans and closing them.
The end result of a techno redneck(Polecat) being exposed to script kiddies in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
1) p0n0r is a leet translation for pwn. pwn+pen0r=p0n0r. 2)pwner. as in n00b pwner.