p0p meaning and definition

p0p meaning

A derivative of the commonly used internet acronym 'lol', which if you have been living under a rock (and consequently can't see this webpage), stands for "Laughing Out Loud". 'p0p' came about through a typography error made by noise theory user will (will smith, no relation to the actor), who incidently hit p 0 p instead of l o l. You will notice if you position your eyes towards your keyboard that the keys are very close to one another. Since this fateful evening the term p0p has become ever so popular among the noise theory community and beyond. That is all for now

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p0pc0rn meaning

A Russian word for a retarded fag or a stupid ass. A russian person that tries to act American.

p0rg meaning

another "leet" (1337) way to spell porg, which is "Person Of Restricted Growth."

p0rn meaning

A sekzy way of spelling "porn." Pornography.

P0ser meaning

More extreme than a poser, a p0ser is a white person who acts black, usually indicated by excessive wearing of flat-billed hats, sagging shorts, baggy shirts, and wearing shorts under your pants, then sagging those shorts too. Used commonly when calling someone with the description above a poser on the internet since it is impossible to pronouce "p0ser"

p0tat3rs meaning

An IRC Pedophile which spends most of his days fucking his neighborhood children and scripting in mIRC. He's also a founder of the RefugeIRC IRC Chat Network. He spends the majority of his spare time flooding the IrCQnet IRC Chat Network and abusing the Operators of that network for self amusement. He has a never ending arsenal of dirty and nigger jokes. He's a self admitted racist. DON'T FUCK WITH THIS GUY, HE'LL PWN YOUR ANUS WITH HIS 9-MILE COCK.

p0wersurge meaning

Amazing and great site. Full of fun people. Hacking community.

p0wn meaning

own, dominate

p0wn3d meaning

adj, to have been beaten handily, esp. in a multiplayer online game such as Counter-Strike. 1ee+ speak, to be "owned", defeated, trounced, bitch-slapped.

p0wnage meaning

p0wnage is a gaming term, where geeks and nerds have been owned by another geek or nerd.

p0wnd meaning

an alternate spelling of p0wned see p0wn