P107-8UNN33 meaning and definition

P107-8UNN33 meaning

This is the fictional computer-named planet from BiteMeTechie's Stargate Atlantis fanfiction When Plot Bunnies Attack. For those of you who can't read chatspeak, it says 'Plot Bunnee'.

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p-10er meaning

A derisive term for a union official that sold out the Hormel Strike of local P-9 UFCW in 1986. Org. Austin, Minnesota.

p10x meaning

a term used by hardcore gamers who feel like substituting the "lo" for the numbers "10" in plox. Plox and p10x both mean "please" in gamer terms.

p11 meaning

"p11" is often used when users are online, chatting with eachother about something or other and one's parents come into the room. The phrase is then said, and the other person will hopefully then stop chatting with you, until you tell them "p11 off". p11- "P" meaning "parents". "11" coming from "911"

P12 meaning

slang. Person behaving in a childish and immature manner.Word originates from Swedish Pojke (=boy) 12, as seen in online communities. Usually used in the e-gaming community to describe a person who annoys and insults other participants during a game, thinking they are more skilled and better than everyone else. The term can be used to describe any person under 18 years old, not just persons that are 12 years old.

p120 p1p3 meaning

meth pipe

P13808 meaning

One of the most annoying non-trolls on the interwebz. He/It is known to live in dark, icy areas and thrive only on sarcasm and endlessly reading random crap.

p13n meaning

Personalization. The process of making software adaptable to the requirements of different points of view and interests. (There are 13 characters between the first "p" and the last "n".)

p14 meaning

An extremely peculiar noob video game player, specifically pertaining to mobile gaming.

p15s meaning

n. pronouced "pee-one-five-s" (P15S=PISS). Meanings are as for the original word. This term may be used by the commentator on broadcast radio as a substitute verbal expression for "piss". Used to avoid that person being sanctioned by the regulatory authorities for the use of an obscenity ("piss/pissed/piss off") on public radio. Similarly, p15s may be txt'd or written to avoid censor programs.

p16 meaning

p16 is a dutch street gang with origian in Belgium. It stands for Paradise 16. They are know for severall crimes, always with the intention of protecting themselfs. Located: West vlaanderen Hip Hop culture mixed slums. Mainly just go out to have fun , never gonna search trouble as the first 1. but if must they blast .