meaning and definitionP2PBSH
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meanings of P2PBSH
Pipe 2 Pipe bushman, text code for 2 paedophiles having sex with each other whilst watching children from a shrub
An IRC Client that does not allow the smell of stinky people without lives to linger and corrupt others by pretending to be a fat old man claiming to be 16 female from california.
a internet based mafia consisting of the leaders .....t3ch_n9n3....and ..s3ri4l_7hrill4!
A movie you know is gonna suck, but still have to see. So you download it. You dont want to pay somthing sucky. No-one does.
Peer pressure, given over peer 2 peer file sharing software with chatrooms.
Post to see post. Used when on a crappy forum that lags and won't show new posts in a thread. The only way to refresh the thread is to post again.
Stands for "Pretending 2 text"You P2T when you pretend to send a text message from a mobile device to circumvent or ease out of an awkward situation.
An acronym for "Peace to you" which is what you say to someone who got "peaced" on, shut down, denied, etc.
Pay To Win. when you are paying for advantage which normal players don't have access to unless they either pay too or will have to grind very long (weeks and months).
derived from the name James Devin Johnson : James/Jimmy = another word for penis, Devin = another word for penis, Johnson = another word for penis // a short meaning for : penis, penis, penis. // (also see "P to the Power of Three" and "P cubed")
oxycodone 30 milligrams. short for percocet 30. usually little blue pills with the letter a on top and 215 on the bottom. also white with eth on one side and 446 on the other.