pacifist meaning and definition

pacifist meaning

Someone who refuses to resort to violence in order to solve a problem.

pacifist meaning

Someone who, for religious, ethical, practical, or other reasons, believes that violence and/or war are not acceptable solutions to problems.

pacifist meaning

a person with the right idea don't hurt other people don't kill other people just go through life with smiles and laughs and never hit someone else we all learned that in kindergarden pacifists are the only ones who remember violence just leads to death and jail

pacifist meaning

Common English definition: someone who believes in non-violent solutions to the world's problems and that war is a crime against humanityAmerican definition: terrorist

pacifist meaning

Someone with the nutty idea that killing people is wrong.

pacifist meaning

The act of fisting your girlfriend (or possibly boyfriend) in attempts to make amends or peace after a conflict or argument.

pacifist meaning

A brotha who believes that even playa-hatin' nations shouldn't have caps busted in they asses.

Read also:

pacifist aggressivist meaning

Definition: noun--A person who identifies as a pacifist but who deals with bullying or direct attacks in a non-physical albeit passive aggressive way

Pacifisticuff meaning

a punch with the fist from a person claiming to be a pacifist.

Pacifisting meaning

When take the shy demur little office girl that wouldn't hurt a fly out for dinner and she ends up getting drunk and violently fist fucking you for the duration of the night.

Pacifist Run meaning

1. To play and finish a video game that involves killing without killing anyone or at least not killing anyone that is not required to finish the game. Essentially playing the role of a pacifist.2. To spend the entirety of a game without killing anything or anyone.3. To only use non-lethal and/or diplomatic means to finish a game.

pacifuck meaning

To have sex with your partner to stop their bitching.

Pacify meaning

transitive verb: derived from the noun PAC or Performing Arts Center, denotes attendance or wish to attend the Sixth Form Club (PAC.)

pacii meaning

you can pronouce it pacii or pac2. it means put a cock in it!

pacin meaning

Used in Hip Hop culture. When something pisses you off.

Pacing meaning

When your heart is beating very far due to the use of stimulant drugs such as cocaine.

Pacing Error meaning

Common mistake made in dating whereby one party tries to move the relationship forward too quickly.