pacism meaning and definition

pacism meaning

1: A(n) (often unconscious) belief that pace is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that pacial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular pace.2: A belief that a hurried pace is superior to that of a slower pace3: An obnoxious impatience with slow pace. Type A personalities often exhibit this impatience and oppress those of slower pace.

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Pacist meaning

In sports, a person who judges a player by his per-game stats without accounting for his team's pace of play. (A Pacist gives preferential treatment to players on teams that play at a faster pace because of the higher per-game stats produced.)

pacitile meaning

Unpleasing to all the senses simultaniously

Pacitti meaning

a big italian who always blames the little guy, in most cases the little guy is a korean guy.

Pacitti Special meaning

A two-for-one, killing two birds with one stone, etc. Usually used in a negative context, as in something bad happening. Can be light-hearted or really tragic.

paciya meaning

pop a cap in your ass...pronounced like paq-a-ya

pac-jacker meaning

A person that is a total, snobby jerk/bully and likes to steal gum.

pack meaning

Slang term for an insult., noun Term used to signal the start of a verbal altercation. Ussually initiated by clapping hands together and directing forefingers toward your opponent. Baltimore Slang term used to define an insult, usually one-up'ed by giving someone "the meal"

packabajs meaning

Allso known as a 'Bitch'

pack a beak meaning

To insert the finest quality (number 11 can) of grizzly dip into your lip and enjoy the effects

Pack a Beatdown meaning

To woop up on someone in a most unremorseful brutal fashion, showing no signs of sympathy or empathy