pack a cooch meaning and definition

pack a cooch meaning

Where some one packs their meat into a cooch

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packadaysicle meaning

The smoking of a pack of cigarettes a day from someone not used to it. Usually in an attitude of bliss, or when looking forward to a highly positive event.

Packaderm meaning

1. One who leads a herd of blindless cowardly bastard followers; or who has a mass so great that they have their own orbit and forces others to encompass his/hers permimiter. 2. One who jacks off in the shower with his own "Mr. Slave" while eating cake, which has been cummed on. 3.One who can survive on extreme cold conditions due to the amass of body fat.

packadew meaning

A pack of mountain dew

Pack a dinger meaning

Verb- The physical act of packing a bomb lip of either grizzly or Copenhagen, but not so much skoal

pack a dip meaning

verb - the action used to move all of the tobacco in a can of dip to one side to increase the ease of getting a quality pinch. Usually makes a snapping noise when the forfinger hits the can. (the noise is not nessisary, but will earn style points.) Also used to show an acurate portrayal of how much dip you have left in your can.

pack a dog meaning

The act of chewing tobacco like a fucking boss

Pack a dungeon meaning

The act of putting chewing tobacco into your anus

Pack a fat lip meaning

Going to pile your lips with dip(smokeless tabacoo) got some for sale!!! by some now!

pack a fat spoon meaning

To have anal sex with a overweight homosexual male while spooning.

pack a fatty meaning

when the penis becomes erect but is pinned down by one's pants or underwear