meaning and definitionQadiym
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meanings of Qadiym
A guy who is Cute, Crazy, Cool, and Smart. He is an awesome person to hang out with and is really nice sometimes. He is one of a kind and not many can pronounce his name. He has a personality that is only seen when your around him. He just an AWESOME & FUNNY guy who is nice to get to know. He is the guy everyone asks when they don't know the answer.
A Quality Assurance Engineer who is fast and adept at analytic and problematic thinking. The Dojo is dependable by his Manager and is considered a leader to his peers.
A Qadri, (Quad-ree) is the act of having intense sexual intercourse or performing sexual acts with three female partners and a male partner.
A person twice as important or beautiful as bae. Used when arguing who's girlfriend is more pretty or important.
an intensely anti-western network that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of Islamic groups; has cells in more than 50 countries syn: al-Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base. The first group to confront USA's worldwide cultural domination and control policies by the 9/11 attack on its own soil.
Qaeo is the creator of an extremely popular online game called Black Magic. The game can be found on ROBLOX by using the search bar and searching for the game called Black Magic. This game features a wide variety of powerful classes to enter a uniquely built arena each round and fight your opponents. He has received over 3 Million visits to his game and gets more every day.
stands for Queer as Folk, a tv show originally aired on Showtime, but now equally popular in Canada on Showcase. Showcase recently stopped airing it though, replacing it with the series "Dead Like Me."
pronounced (calf-ing), and, when used as a verb, spelled "qaff" this is the word used to express that one is participating in, will be participating in, or has done so in the near past, watching one of the most sexually erotic shows, Queer As Folk. Do not worry! When "qaffing", it is completely normal to QUAF while doing so, and, it is also completely normal to be arroused to an extent not yet known to mankind--it has been accomplished before.
Referring to a fan of Showtime's 'Queer as Folk.'
In the online Queer As Folk (QAF) Fandom, having a cyber-orgasm while reading QAF fanfic or viewing QAF fanart or fanvids.