meaning and definitionQalbi
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meanings of Qalbi
Pronounced Kal-Bee.A chill phrase to describe anything chill, or whatever. The trick is that qalbi isn't an adjective.
When someone tells you to Q Ales, its means to settle down. Or "Chill" If you will.
A perfect 50/50 mix of cheese dipping sauce and homemade salsa.
Qalis are very funny and they have funny laughs and are very pretty and wild
an unexpected instant message from someone annoying, while chatting on AIM or gchat. This annoying individual has to have a track record of IMing you almost every time you are online, he or she must also be someone you wish never was on your buddy list, but cannot remove due to your “friendship”
Combination of Queer/Drag Queen & Wallet
Sexy girls who love listening to music. Also love European guys!
Maltese: a turd, fecal matter!
a bad haircut
Arabic definition: The moon. Also, Beautiful, sweet, an amazing friend, and extremely funny ;)
1)super chill at times; however, can be a total hater 2)extremely superficial, a label whore