Qanoe meaning and definition

Qanoe meaning

Oval shaped object used to go qanoing in. Alternative spelling 'canoe', but preferably spelt with 'q'

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qantaray meaning

a type of scope lense on top of a sniper rifle.

qantas meaning

1) The main airline of Australia. 2) An acronym of something.

qaot meaning

An insecure or crazy person.

QAOTP meaning

Questions all over the place

QAP meaning

Acronym for "Quick As Possible" or "Quickly As Possible". Alternative to ASAP.

QAPC meaning

In message boards and forums, "Question Aswered, Post Closed". A message often sent by moderators to close a thread in wich a single question was posed and answered, to avoid spamming.

qaq meaning

Eastern emoticon, similar to that of :'(, meaning crying or sad.

QAQATL meaning

"Question Asked, Question Answered, Thread Locked." Posted as a lock message on forums where the original post of a thread consisted of a question that was promptly answered, and the thread subsequently locked to prevent spam.

qar meaning

The area between the asshole and genitals (male or female), also known as the taint.

Qarach meaning

1, a word used for describing a loud person, usually by the iraqi aunty in the neighborhood 2, a person who refuses wearing formal clothing and attends school wearing sweatpants and crockers