Qarsam meaning and definition

Qarsam meaning

Qarsam:- A girl with abnormally long legs! A stick thin figure and goldilocks curls!

Read also:

qart meaning

The god of 2k17

qaryl meaning

When your barber uses a lawn mower to cut your hair

qarysma meaning

Qarysma is a wonderful girl everyone loves to talk to her and when someone stands in her she will not take it. She is gorgeous and bad. A very loving person if you get to know her don't ever doubt her . She hates getting gifts from people she likes to work for her things. Overall you should always keep her as a friend or gf! She has a great body a big butt to but don't take it for granted!.

QAS meaning

QAS or Quivering Anus Syndrome. The stress related affliction when an individual's anus quivers uncontrollably immediately prior to or during a highly pressurized or nerve-wrecking situation. As the individual is under duress the anus quivering may lead to body spasms or verbalizations of the stressed individual's mindset. Extreme cases lead to a phenomenon known as rectal resonance (RR), manifestations of RR often include involuntary feces expulsion and can be highly amusing/unpleasant/pleasant for bystanders. QAS is a reckonisable condition and can be likened to, but is not the same as 'Shitting one's pants in fear".

QASAS meaning

A bunch of cunts that think they are important.

qaseem meaning

One badass mofo that knows how to really keep a group chat active. Some say that he is the reincarnation of Kurt Cobain, whilst lots of others would refer to him as a hipster

Qasi meaning

The ancient art that you use to answer questions.

Qasid meaning

A person who is completely out of it and seems to be intoxicated 24/7 He or she doesn't pick up on things right away and it takes a while for them to process He or She doesn't like the beatles, yet likes crappy mainstream.

qasim meaning

1. Roots in Arabic meaning "The most handsom person on planet earth"2. Hebrew meaning: "Saviour of the world"3. Urdu meaning: " my hero . my love"

QAST meaning

QAST means "Quality Ass-Sitting Time". This would entail time after work watching TV, drinking beer, farting etc.Great word to use in Scrabble when you don't have a U on your rack.