qaz meaning and definition

qaz meaning

The 1st three letters you learn during typing class that are the initials of "Quick Ask Zoey"

qaz meaning

The first name of a person I made up named Qaz Covins

qaz meaning

when a guy is running, doing jumping jacks, going down stairs, etc. and his balls hit his inner thigh and it makes a loud sound similar to clicking your tongue. it is a word i made up when my friends and i were playing scrabble w/o rules. but now we use it everyday.

qaz meaning

A penis fart! Sort of like a queef.

Read also:

qazas meaning

What's up?

Qazed meaning

(Kah-zd)1) To have a complete and irrational cunt move done unto yourself.2) To score less then 30% on any variation of exam/test/quiz.

qazedctgbujmolwsxrfvyhnikp meaning

When you try to find an original qwerty keyboard mix-up. But alas, somebody already did that...

Qazi meaning

A Qazi is a person who is awesome.They usually have a six pack and get a lot of girls.They also have an IQ usually above 200, But this is not the most impressive feature of a Qazi.A Qazi is usually endowed with a penis which makes black people feel embarrassed.

qazplmwsxoknedcijbrfvuhtgy meaning

when u r so bored on the computer u decide to randomly type all the letters on the keyboard.

qazplwsxokmedcijnrfvuhbtgy meaning

When you're extremly bored, but you've tried qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, polikujmyhntgbrfvedcwsxqaz, zaqxswcdevfrbgtnhymjukilop, plokimjunhybgtvfrcdexswzaq, qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv, or even mznxbcvlaksjdhfgpqowieuryt, but not to the point of zaqlpxswmkocdenjivfrbhugty. Achieved by dragging your finger diagonally down-left on the left side, then dragging your finger diagonally down right on the right side, left, right, left, right, as you move from row to row, with each finger getting closer to each other. Boredom Level: GET THE WEIRD JAPANESE CANDY, STAT! In other words, get a fucking life.

qazpl,wsxokmedcijnrfvuhbtgy meaning

Another combination of keys on the keyboard when you've gotten bored and just normal up to down and left to right won't cut it for you. I'm glad you've made it here with me.

qazswedxcfrtgvbhyujnmkiolp meaning

Out smarting the urban dictionary due to extreme boredom or the lack the hapiness to even complete the simplest of tasks like arousing yourself, cutting the grass, cleaning the dishes....You spell this SIMPLY starting at Q and type downwards to Z and then up to W and so on and son on until you finish up with the spectacular phrase of qazswedxcfrtgvbhyujnmkiolp...

Qazu meaning

A spectacular bird residing in the Amazon Rainforest. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful birds in the world due to its pink head and blue-speckled plumage.

QAZWSX meaning

23rd most-used computer password, according to a 2011 study, thus making it practically useless in terms of security. Seemingly random, it is actually comprised of the letters, top to bottom, in the farthest-left "column" of letters on a standard QWERTY keyboard, followed by the letters in the second "column."