Qeuat meaning and definition

Qeuat meaning

Someone who can't use complicated words without difficulty.

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Qeuee meaning

a type of style that cannot be defined by words or any type of way. Prounounciation (Cuw-ee)

qevlaaat meaning

A word worth 191 points when used correctly on words with friends.

Qevnsoks meaning

1. Annoying; Obnoxious 2. Darn

qewl meaning

1. another vairation for the word "cool" only way qewler. 2. a rule that can convert any word with a c, a k, or an ool to make the word look way qewler.

qewretrytuyiuoipoapsadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzlxzcxvcbvnbmnqmw meaning

Just when we think we thought of everything on a QWERTY keyboard and we were so bored we were going insane, we came up with this. (I just have to say if you search this, you might want to see a therapist.) this word is created by pressing keys that are 2 spaces apart on a QWERTY keyboard in order.

qex meaning

Verb: When you hit your head so hard that you start to say gibberish.2: when you hit a part of your body so hard that you cannot feel or move it.

qexlwazmunt meaning

an indian dude. possibly related to Squanto

Qez meaning

high scoring scrabble word

QF meaning

The male equivalent of a queef, a Queef-Fart A.K.A. QF

QFA meaning

Quoted for Agreement