qewretrytuyiuoipoapsadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzlxzcxvcbvnbmnqmw meaning and definition

qewretrytuyiuoipoapsadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzlxzcxvcbvnbmnqmw meaning

Just when we think we thought of everything on a QWERTY keyboard and we were so bored we were going insane, we came up with this. (I just have to say if you search this, you might want to see a therapist.) this word is created by pressing keys that are 2 spaces apart on a QWERTY keyboard in order.

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qex meaning

Verb: When you hit your head so hard that you start to say gibberish.2: when you hit a part of your body so hard that you cannot feel or move it.

qexlwazmunt meaning

an indian dude. possibly related to Squanto

Qez meaning

high scoring scrabble word

QF meaning

The male equivalent of a queef, a Queef-Fart A.K.A. QF

QFA meaning

Quoted for Agreement

Q-Faced meaning

Being so utterly drunk that the pavement that you smack your head when you fall off of a bike does not hurt you; and or not being able to stand up for more than one second. Derived from CQ,the famous guitarist.

Q Factor meaning

The most awesome Microsoft Dynamics GP consultant in the world, bar none!

QFAT meaning

Quoted For Absolute Truth - an extension to QFT

QFB meaning

QFB is an Amateur Radio Q-Word that either asks if something is "Fine Business?" (Is it good - See definition of Fine Business on same site) or states that something IS Fine Business.

QFC meaning

Quality Food Centers. Bought out by Fred Meyer then both acquired by Kroger. Probably the most expensive non-specialty grocery store you will ever step foot in. Has the QFC Advantage Card which means if you don't have it, your royally screwed. I'm talking more expensive than Albertsons screwed. Located only in Seattle/Portland areas. QFC's main competitors are Safeway and specialty food stores.