QFMD meaning and definition

QFMD meaning

QFMD= Quality Friendship Movie DayQFMD is when you and your best friends sit around for an entire day and watch your favorite movies (they can be themed or just whatever movies you feel like watching). You have QFT by having a QFMD. You just hang out with amazing people and watch amazing movies.

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QFMFE meaning

Quoted for mother fucking emphasis.

qfmfgdt meaning

Quote For Mother Fucking God Damn Truth

QFMFT meaning

Stands for "Quoted for Mother F***ing Truth". QFMFT is a response commonly seen in forum threads.

qfms meaning

QFMS stands for "Quadruple Fuck Me Sideways" as a more exteme way of stating FMS, Fuck Me Sideways, or FML, Fuck My Life.

QFMT meaning

QFMT is what you do if you quote someone using QFT.It's short for "Quoted For More Truth"

QFN meaning

It means to be "Quoted For Notice".

QFNR meaning

Quoted For No Reason. most used in internet public forums.

QFP meaning

Quoted For Posterity.

QFQN meaning

Quit Fucking Crying NiggerThe second Q is used because QQ looks like eyes with tears.

QFRT meaning

Quit Fooling 'Round Toddlers