Qguy meaning and definition

Qguy meaning

An abbreviation for "cute guy." As in it refers to to sound made when one pronounces 'cute' (key-ute), or in this case 'Q'.

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QH meaning

Sexually turned on feelings that are like the allergic reactions of oversensative skin and heart palpitations caused by Q.H. particals coming down from the atmosphere. These particles form when Q-RAYS charge Hydrogen Ions and sink to the earth where we breath them in.

qhaje meaning

Unattractive female; usually a qhaje is either awkward or annoyingly loud, they have no breast or butt.

qhat meaning

New, rebellious way to say 'what'.

QHD meaning

Quick Hand Dan: someone who constently masterbaits,and has no shame in doing so.

qhetto meaning

The ghetto way of writting "ghetto."

qhf meaning

Acronym for a certain three politically incorrect terms for a homosexual person strung together to form "queer homofag". Quite often used to describe someone who is not homosexual, but is, in fact, stupid.

qhhahahaaha meaning

when someone makes a typo and cannot go back to fix it.

QHH Fett meaning

QHH Fett is an alternative name for the Diablos summon in Final Fantasy 8. Rumour has it that QHH Fett was the originally intended name for Diablos, but later on they decided to change it, just prior to the release of the game. The name is widely known in Luciferian and Freemasonic circles.

qhimm meaning

A site with a lot of downloads/mods for final fantasy vii, final fantasy viii, and final fantasy ix.

q hit meaning

Reciving multiple cumshots at once