Qisek Haqq Alla meaning and definition

Qisek Haqq Alla meaning

In the Maltese Language, Haqq Alla is the most common swear word, and is also quite offensive to the Catholic religion, as it is translated to "fuck god".When saying to someone "Qisek Haqq Alla", that can be translated literally to "You are like a 'fuck god'". In other words, you're comparing the person to a swear word, and thus you're describing him as being offensive, disrespectful or totally not in place just a swear word such as Haqq Alla is.This phrase is quite offensive both to the person you're telling it and also to anyone who is hearing it.

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something or someone that is cool or awesome or off the chain pronouced (kwispy)

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A lovely person. Love her friends too much. Can't see people sad. Love to motivate people. She has annoying but kind friends .

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Quiet,with unique personality and sometimes a lil bit crazy.Full with charm.Not such a girly girl that loves girly things but she loves red.

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shorten term meaning someone is cute or has cuteness

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A donkey raping, ass spelunking bitch.

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Pronounced the same as 'cheater'. Someone who plays the word 'Qi' in scrabble, often with a smug grin and on a triple.

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A martial art invented in 2013. Much like ninjutsu in that it is an art based around stealth and misdirection, except that Qitsu can only be wielded in a video game that allows you to press the Q button to stealth KO or kill your target from behind.

q it up meaning

to hit up the liquo sto', buy some 40z, some grape flavored swisher sweets, hit up Mi Pueblo in East Oakland, park the ride and chill for a few minutes making good use of the car's ash tray, finally go inside to check out the tenderonies, fill the cart up with carne asada, freshly made tortillas, some $25 buchanas with some pineapple juice, a few 12 packs of Pacifico, get some pan dulce for the ride home, hit up the bros and the breezes, start up the grill and enjoy the sunny afternoon.

Qiushi meaning

As many people know, a Qiush is a vagina fart. However, Qiushi is an extended word of Qiush and is actually an extremely common chinese name. Qiushi if defined could be interpreted as the man who is a vagina fart. However, Qiushi actually means hak yun in fukinese dialect which means transexuality. Either way the name can be interpreted as the transexual or vagina fart man.