QLMAO meaning and definition

QLMAO meaning

quietly laughing my ass off

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QLO meaning

Used by your mates when in the pub drinking (usually too much)and you want to go. Your mate will say he's ordered a QLO (Quick Last One), which you have to drink. It is then considered bad etiquette not to return the favour when your mate tries to leave.

qlol meaning

(verb) -- To quietly laugh out loud. It is most often used in places where one would need to be quiet or discreet about using online chat programs.

Qloom meaning

1: n. A baby thief 2: v. To steal a baby

QLR meaning

Queen's Lancashire Regiment: Regiment of the British Army. It recruits around the area Lancashire and is infamous for scandalous shannanigans during the Iraq war. There are two QLR detachments in Merseyside ACF, sometimes referred to as the Queers Lesbians and Rapists, who to this day persist in being hated, mainly for being dirty wools (woolybacks) from St. Helens where everyone is family (dirty in-breds).

Qltm meaning

Abreviation for quietly laugh to myself, much more honest than lol(laugh out loud) wich no one actually does when texting.

QLTS meaning

Quietly laughs to self

qlty meaning

qlty" is the abbreviation of certain words "quality

QM meaning

Queer Magnet; a sexy, highly desired (by straight men) woman, who happens to be bff with many homosexual men. i.e. the gays cum-a-running. Antonym: Fag Hag.

QM21 meaning

QM21 breaks down in this manner: QM = Quantum Metaphysics and 21 = 21st Century. Therefore QM21 reflects Quantum Metaphysics for the 21st Century which can be found on QM21.com.

QM8 meaning

QM8 stands for "Que Mas till infinity" and is a graffiti crew that was started off by NJ graffiti artists PKay and Snow in the mid 1990s. It's sister crew was/is AM7 (Angels of Madness) from California.