qmud meaning and definition

qmud meaning

The word 'bump' written as if reflected in a mirror. Used as a faux-novel way of saying 'bump' in 4chan threads.

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Qmudar meaning

The act of pushing Queen Anne into the mud. An act of treason, in direct violation of the Act of Queen Anne.

Qmvr meaning

the action of making a snarled face with wide eyes, looking at a slightly downward direction, and thrusting head

qmwnebrvtcyxuziaospdlfkgjh meaning

When you are so mind-blowingly bored that you type in fancy alternating keystrokes on your keyboard into a document / search engine. It is commonly known as a sign that someone is losing their sanity due to extreme boredom.

qmwnebrvtcyxuzilokpjahsgdf meaning

When you think they have everything, this is done by alternating the letters on a qwerty keyboard by the first then to last, the second to the second-last, and so on. What really amazed me was that urban dictionary didn't have it when i searched it.

QnA meaning

Also known as q&a or Question and Answers, is a common thing among YouTubers and Celebrities. What happens is the Person sends a tweet and asks their viewers to ask questions and then selects the good questions or just the stupid ones and possibly make a whole series on it *cough* JackAsks *cough*. After they has their questions they make a video answering them, sometimes in a stupid manner or in a honest manner.

Q Nasty meaning

A bitch, or very homo person. A Q Nasty will sometimes be refered to as lame, buzzkill, cock block, douchebag, idiot, fag, loser, asshole, drunk, or sometimes adopted. A Q Nasty is the lowest skum on the earth.

QnD meaning

Quick and dirty

QnFer meaning

A person who hangs out on Message boards - but specifically in the "Questions and Feedback" area of said Message boards. Other forms: QnF'er Queefer Mod-wannabe ((derogatory))

QNI meaning

Abbreviation for 'Quiet Night In'. Opposite of BNO

Qnifty meaning

an alternate spelling of "nifty"usually regarded as more awesome or epic than just "nifty"