R2Dtarded meaning and definition

R2Dtarded meaning

Something that is so retarded, It deserves a reference to R2D2.

Read also:

R2F meaning

Ready to Fuck.

r2g meaning

Ready to go.

r2h meaning

Acronym: Road-To-Hell 1- Satanist people, who have one way ticket to hell, use R2H just before die. 2- Text on a T-Shirt. 3- MSN Personal message.

R2H-Racial Religious Harmony meaning

R2H-Racial Religious Harmony: In a multi racial religious society of nations, all three elements are critical for integrated sustainable development of economy,social and environment.

r2i meaning

Return to India. A common acronym that Indian immigrants in the US use to indicate their journey back to India.

r2k meaning

FINE ASS ROBOT who rocks out every night in Finch Randor 2000

r2o meaning

Acronym for: Ready to Own Orginated from a Dark Age of Camelot Guild called "Charge It".

R2oT2F meaning

A secret and powerful paramilitary with a distributed chaos network extending over the reign of the highest academia in the country.

R2P meaning

Tony is gay

R2R meaning

Refuse to read.