R4AR meaning and definition

R4AR meaning

Ready For A Rager.

Read also:

r4 card meaning

r4 card is a slot-1 flashcard for Nintendo 3ds, dsi and ds console. with a SD card, the r4 card can play games, video, music and other media files for totall free.

r4ds meaning

A flashcart for the nintendo ds which is for the people that think buying games is for suckas.

r4g3d meaning

Being angry or Pissed. Often used by myg0t.

r4kt meaning

Another way of typing "rekt" AKA "wrecked". It is sometimes used during multiplayer videogames when one side completely dominated the opponents without giving them a chance to fight back. Typically said to be disrespectful towards your opponents.

R4L meaning

Rebels 4 Life Being a Fucking Rebel and making it to the crew Ex. Flooding the school Locker rooms and going slid and sliding naked and getting busted by four teachers and then becoming knows *A Biking Crew of Williston That Powns Noobs HxC

r4ngeking11 meaning

A male person who plays RuneScape and pretends to be a girl. Also commonly known as 'shemale'.

r4p3 meaning

R4P3 RAPE it obviously looks a bit similar, if you can't get the concept, you're stupid. Using spelling like this, people will and should obviously take the word usage as a joke...

r4r meaning

Referral for referral. Usually for Myspace auto-adder users, or for people who use sites like FriendBlastr. You swap referral codes with another person, and you sign up with each other's referral links so the other person gets extra points. This helps them achieve more VIP days on that site (which means their picture and a link to add them appears on the front page of the site.)

r4v3 meaning

a 'scene' way to spell RAVE.

r4w meaning

a graffiti legend krew in the 661 area