resphincter meaning and definition

resphincter meaning

The act or function of repair or recovery after having "been torn a new one."Or, somewhat conversely, to re-aggravate or clench after having been lulled into a sense of comfort or peace.

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Resphincteralize meaning

The rematerialisation of a person's sphincter following lots of anal sex. This is a short term recovery if things are left alone.

respiggertard meaning

You think that your half black, spanish and retarded...great combo ehh?

respina meaning

an amazing best friend. A beautiful, kind and really funny girl that everyone adores. She's beautiful inside and out. Everyone wants to be friends with her and wishes to be just like her. They feel safe around her, like they can't be sad when they have her in their life. Overall perfect girl that just doesn't know it. She doesn't think she's pretty or funny, she doesn't see herself the way others see her.

respirate meaning

v. type of deep breathing one does after strenuous exertion; speech is impossible, facial colour is poor, and pursuing footsteps can often be heard.............................

respirating meaning

Something that "gives you life"...

respiration meaning

Essential life process where oxygen reacts with glucose from the food that you eat to provide your body with energy. The two by-products of this process are carbon dioxide, which is exhaled along with the rest of the harmless gases that entered your lungs but did not diffuse into your blood, and water. Not to be confused with breathing, which is how the oxygen enters the body.

Respirator meaning

A device used to filter air so you can breath good air. Used mostly while in areas with aerosol, pesticides, poisons.. ect..

Respiratory Therapist meaning

A medical professional thats has more brains than a nurse (such as pinky compared to the brain) and more comman sense(cents) than a doctor has in their bank

ReSpirO meaning

sex god, master of his and everybody elses domain.

Respite meaning

1. Brief interval of rest: A brief period of rest and recovery between periods of exertion or after something disagreeable. 2. Delay: A temporary delay. 3. Law reprieve: A temporary stay of execution of a criminal.