s3rvd meaning and definition

s3rvd meaning

"1337-$p34k" for served, the past tense of serve. Seen in the title of break-dancing movie "You Got Served," people have found it necessary to use this as a variation of "pwnd."

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s3rzz meaning

1. Grave in quality or manner 2. Short for serious

s3x meaning

0gm s3xj004ll int3rc0urs3

s3x0r meaning

See sex0r

s3x0rz meaning

Geekspeak for sex

s3xii meaning

The word Sexy misspelled

s3xor meaning

n. A 1337 way of saying "Sexor" or "Sexy" or "Sex". Typically meaning the act of sex or one who is proficiently good at having mind-blowing sex.

s3xy meaning

Improper spelling of "sexy". This word is most likely used by the Internet nerd community.

S3xypill meaning

Known as br0cketeer-.A faggot who changed a perfect url.A fcking awkward quality blogger from tumblr.awkward nuthead u sux :)))))))))))))))))

s3xy pr0nz meaning

sexy internet porn that is enjoyed by males

s4 meaning

A group of highly skilled operators that partake heavily in games of grab ass and binge drinking, but still know precisely 127 ways to kill you with their bare hands.