meaning and definitions3rvd
mean? Here you find 1
meanings of s3rvd
"1337-$p34k" for served, the past tense of serve. Seen in the title of break-dancing movie "You Got Served," people have found it necessary to use this as a variation of "pwnd."
1. Grave in quality or manner 2. Short for serious
0gm s3xj004ll int3rc0urs3
See sex0r
Geekspeak for sex
The word Sexy misspelled
n. A 1337 way of saying "Sexor" or "Sexy" or "Sex". Typically meaning the act of sex or one who is proficiently good at having mind-blowing sex.
Improper spelling of "sexy". This word is most likely used by the Internet nerd community.
Known as br0cketeer-.A faggot who changed a perfect url.A fcking awkward quality blogger from tumblr.awkward nuthead u sux :)))))))))))))))))
sexy internet porn that is enjoyed by males
A group of highly skilled operators that partake heavily in games of grab ass and binge drinking, but still know precisely 127 ways to kill you with their bare hands.