s4pr meaning and definition

s4pr meaning

Saying said by the group LMFAO "Sorry 4 Party Rocking"

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S4R meaning

An acronym and euphemism for the phrase "Sorry For Raging". S4R is the superlative and supreme state of S4P, or "Sorry For Partying". An individual must first reach a universally recognized S4P status before any acclamation of S4R can be made.

s4s meaning

Despite what a lot of idiots have to say about what s4s means, it normally comes into play with myspace sites (i.e. layout/contest/html sites). Most sites have a support code, and when asked to s4s, two sites swap codes and paste into bulletins so their friends can see the code, and hopefully they get added. It's not just for "myspace nerds" or whatever. Some sites out there have actual meaning.

S4t4n meaning

A term used by wanabe satanic worshipers/wanabe hackers to show their lack of religious and grammatical appreciation

s4tm meaning

Sorry for that man.

s4u meaning

stands for "sux for you"

s4ud1 meaning

s4ud1: saudi man in leet language... s = s a = 4 u = u d = d i = 1

s4x meaning

Wrote in 1337 style writing. Commonly used as s3x in chat rooms and obviousley resembles the word sex. s4x takes on a more playfull roll and is usually used when a person becomes bored and doesnt have much to contribute towards the sex chat.

S5 meaning

The abbreviation for a Stage 5 Clinger.Someone who has passed the first 4 stages of stalking and has graduated to a complete level 5.

S5C meaning

S5C (better known as Stage 5 Creeper or Clinger, preference used here) is an abbreviation that is for obsessive males but more often females that have crossed the line of stalker and officially entered the zone known only as a STAGE 5 CREEPER. A S5C is someone that one has no desire to talk to, think of, or know of honestly; however the person does not get the message. They will continuously text, call, facebook creep, and instant message you about pointless topics and or comment about your life that they have no part of. S5C are very difficult to get rid of because of their obsessive nature you consume their every thought and desire. Good luck.....

S6 meaning

a clutch performance