saachi meaning and definition

saachi meaning

Girl, most likely indian. Very pretty with amazing eyes. Not what you would expect if you saw her. Her personality is extremely loveable once you get to know her.

saachi meaning

The perfect girl - beautiful with a hearty laugh, wacked out crazy, razor sharp mind, wicked sense of humour, extremely sensitive and caring and will speak up for what is right. She is fiercely protective of the people she loves, and she loves like there is no tomorrow. She is unconventional, maybe a little argumentative. Very, very ambitious. She is an achiever - this girl is built to win. She can command both respect and people, and yet love so tenderly.She is the kindda girl you go down on one knee for. And she is the kindda girl who will look you in the eye and say no. You need to be an achiever to be with her - a compassionate achiever with great strength of character and a kickass humor. You aren't good enough for her, and no, she doesn't want to be friends either. But if she says yes, it will be a match, home and partnership made in heaven.

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SAACKED meaning

n. A word origionally refering to getting tackled in football then expanded to describe any unfortunate event or hit physical or emotional. Generally it has 2 or more "a's" and is said after a varied length of "ooo's" or "oh's" -Saack v. to inflict pain upon or otherwise affecting in any way, most commonly in a negative manner. (present) saacking


means to bray a penis,or to wack it about.

saad meaning

A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person. Interchangeable with the word hate and tbag (or saadbagging) similar to the phrase "hating" but for uncultured desi fobs Verb- to saad, saadimize on something Present- saading, saadimizing on "noun" Past- saaded on "noun"

saadahmy meaning

forceful penetration of the mouth or anus by a straight up wisam

Saadat meaning

Very talented people and the most amazing people in everyday society. Can make your life fun, helpful, or awesome.

saadatkhah meaning

a person who is generous,lovely, and cares a lot about family.

Saade meaning

Lame ass guy with a "small black dick". Shit at deets and footie

Saadegasm meaning

Highly euphoric feeling experienced when you see or hear something in connection with Eric Saade, most often when you see a picture about him. It's symptoms may also include: dizziness, laughing, hyperventilation, screaming...etc.

Saad Farrukh meaning

Verb. Asain slang word.Refers to a player, a notorious womenizer, A chick magnet.

saadi meaning

a handsome man who is very funny. he is easy to get along with, and is loved by beautiful women.