Saahm meaning and definition

Saahm meaning

A very smart child, usually South Asian or Middle Eastern, who has the Tendency to be very attractive. This person is friendly, and will most probably become very successful in life.

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saai meaning

Saai is Dutch a word used for Boring

Saaid meaning

A pretty much perfect guy; smart, funny, HANDSOME, good at all sports, very caring and thoughtful, loves dogs, and has his priorities straight.

Saaif meaning

Saif with an added:+10 power +10 awesomeness +10 magic +10 XpThis sword is epic. (The person is too)

Saaim meaning

An extremely Charming Boy who gets all the chicks, He is very obidient and is a gift from god.

saaimah meaning

A backstabbing, fat assed bitch who steals your partner.

saait meaning

If you really really like the porn your watching or thinking about, shout "saait!"

saajan meaning

A hustlin' goon who will bust a cap in ur ass if u try him. He is the godlike figure and carries round a big dick and is all about money power respect and gets all the ho's. So any of u pussy's who think the other definition is right get the hell out bitch niggaz.

saajid meaning

to be totally awesome

SAAK meaning

SAAK - Steven Against Angry Kids an organization founded by a lone pillow lover whos goal is to appeal to the government to create a law stateing that pillows need to be protected from angry kids/children and not be used as a punching bag to exert anger on. The SAAK has campaigned for this for many years from 2002 onwards but have never succeeded.

Saakashvili meaning

The act of taking on a larger opponent, such as Russia, in a fight you know you can't win and then crying to your friends, such as the US, to save your pathetic, war-mongering ass.